2014年12月21日,豪利機械(蘇州)有限公司開展了主題為“相約圣誕 共聚豪利”圣誕家庭日活動?;顒訌闹形缫稽c開始,一直持續到晚上八點結束,本次活動是在公司進行,活動邀請了所有員工及家屬共同參加。整個活動穿插各種游戲和抽獎,并準備了豐盛的自助餐和現場燒烤。雖然天氣較冷,但是員工們玩得是不亦樂乎,充分體現了公司對員工及員工家屬的關愛之情。
Randdh serves its global customer base from three strategically positioned manufacturing locations in the Singapore and China.
Randdh has design and manufactured innovative products for over five decades for world Mechanics manufacturers.
The whole Randdh team is dedicated to providing world class customer service around the world and around the clock.